
Buku teknik sipil lengkap
Buku teknik sipil lengkap

buku teknik sipil lengkap

The visual book of traditional ulos is designed with some methods such as in sites observation, deep interviews, questionnaire, experimental study, and literature study. Therefore, a media which can reappoint ulos is needed, as an effort to conserve traditional Ulos’ motives from extinction. If this continue happens, some of motives of traditional ulos are going. Consequently, ulos weaver stop producing some motives and only make motives with highest demands.

buku teknik sipil lengkap

Ulos’ motives were also decreased because Bataknese only collect ulos they often use in cultural ceremony and they also swift to machine-made ulos because it was cheaper.

buku teknik sipil lengkap

Nowadays, there are a lot of machine-made ulos which take less time to make. It takes long process to make an Ulos because it need a lot of craftsmanship in every woven yarn. Ulos was Bataknese traditional woven textiles from North Sumatera. Luaran dari peracangan ini merupakan sebuah buku visual dengan konten sejarah ulos, proses pembuata, ragam jenis dan fungsi setiap ulos, dan perkembangan ulos yang didokumentasikan dengan teknik fotografi. Konsep perancangan ini adalah modernized encyclopaedia of traditional ulos yang bertujuan membuat buku visual ulos yang lengkap, jelas, dan detail. Data yang didapatkan kemudian dikomparasikan dengan komparator untuk mendapatkan isi konten buku yang sesuai. Perancangan buku visual ulos tradisional ini menggunakan beberapa metode penelitian diantaranya observasi langsung, wawancara mendalam, kuisioner, studi eksperimental, dan studi literature. Sebuah media yang bisa mengangkat keragaman jenis motif ulos dibutuhkan sebagai upaya untuk melestarikan jenis-jenis ulos tradisional. Jika fenomena ini terus berlanjut motif-motif ulos tradisional akan punah, padahal setiap motif dalam ulos tradisional memiliki makna dan simbol doa serta berkat yang ingin diberikan. Penenun ulos akhirnya banyak yang berhenti menenun motif-motif ulos karena tidak ada yang membeli. Ragam jenis ulos tradisional semakin berkurang karena kurangnya minat masyarakat untuk membeli jenis ulos selain yang sering digunakan dalam acara adat.

buku teknik sipil lengkap

Namun, saat ini telah banyak beredar ulos yang diproduksi menggunakan mesin dengan waktu produksi yang lebih cepat dan harga yang lebih murah. Proses menenun ulos menggunakan alat tenun memerlukan waktu yang cukup lama karena dibutuhkan ketelitian dalam membuat setiap motifnya. Time Delay and Cost Overrun of Road over Bridge (ROB) Construction Projects in India, Journal of Construction in Developing Countries, 22(1), 79-96).Ulos merupakan salah satu kain tenun tradisional khas suku Batak dari Sumatera Utara. Metode Penelitian: Lengkap, Praktis, dan Mudah Dipahami. Manajemen Proyek dari Konseptual sampai Operasional. Surakarta: Muhammadiyah University Press. Analisis Faktor Penyebab Pembengkakan Biaya (Cost Overrun) pada Proyek Konstruksi Tugas Akhir Yogyakarta: Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Atma Jaya. American Society of Civil Engineers, 04014035, 1-10. Estimating Construction Contingency: Accommodating the Potential for Cost Overruns in Road Construction Projects. International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research, 9(6), 121-124.Īlgifari (2000). Peculiarities of Road Projects Cost Overruns. Based on the answers from respondents it can be concluded that the contractors who experienced a swelling cost of 1% -5% there were 44 respondents, then for the cost swelling of 6% -10% there were 28 respondents, and 11% -15% there were 2 respondents, and 16% -20% only 1 respondent. The lack of provision of field support facilities and the limited size of the project area are the reasons why field regulation factors can be a major factor causing cost overruns on road projects in Wonogiri Regency. Based on the analysis has been done, field regulation become dominant of cost overrun. The analysis of this research has using the SPSS program. This research was conducted by asking questions to the contractor who worked on the road project in 20. Therefore, the purpose of this research is knowing what is cost overrun factors and also amount of cost overruns of the road project in Wonogiri Regency which used APBD 20 experienced by contractor. The implementation of the road project in Wonogiri Regency was often different between the planning with has be held that making problem for contractor like as late work and cost overrun.

Buku teknik sipil lengkap